Ah, the blank page. Such opportunities, such terror!

I began writing before I was a teenager, in diaries, journals, trying out poetry forms and making up small stories, a sentence here, a paragraph there. Sometimes I drew pictures to go along with the words.

Later, I started writing with more focus, beginning with picture books. One story, OLAF’S DOOR, was published on a multi-media platform for mobile devices. It has since gone “out of print.” Truth be told, the technology was upgraded, and my little story was left behind. But I was encouraged to keep going.

Writing nonstop (mostly), I learned how to make a story work by attending classes, workshops, and conferences.

Now I’m writing middle grade mysteries and short stories. Two short stories were included in the collection “RIVER CITY SECRETS, Stories from Richmond,” published by Chop Suey Books Books in 2016. 

Currently, I’m working on novel length mysteries for middle grade, with a three-book series in development.

On the shorter end of the spectrum, I write haiku, some of which I illustrate. The challenge of capturing meaning and imagery in a few words is great discipline. Here’s an example:

Haiku for Cold Weather

No lively squirrels

In silent, sodden, cold rain;

Wet world, life dripping 

“Begin Somewhere”

-Donna Faulds

River City Secrets   

I have two stories in this collection of twenty-four tales of imagination and adventure, each set in one of Richmond’s many popular historic locations.

  • A huge phantom dog appears in the Hollywood Cemetery during a thunderstorm.

  • The ghosts of two alligators keep watch at the Jefferson Hotel.

  • And many more!

Published in 2016 by Chop Suey Books, find it here:

River City Secrets: Stories from Richmond

River City Secrets   

I have two stories in this collection of twenty-four tales of imagination and adventure, each set in one of Richmond’s many popular historic locations.

  • A huge phantom dog appears in the Hollywood Cemetery during a thunderstorm.

  • The ghosts of two alligators keep watch at the Jefferson Hotel.

  • And many more!

Published in 2016 by Chop Suey Books, find it here:

River City Secrets: Stories from Richmond